Wednesday 30 November 2011

Solo bike ride: Bangalore to Puttur / Mangalore / Udupi

DATES OF TRAVEL: 29 Oct 2011 - 2 Nov 2011
MODE: Honda Unicorn 
COST: (Total: Rs.1775) and willingness to travel ALL ALONE
a) Fuel charges Rs.1375 (862 kms )
b) Food Charges Rs. 400 (Breakfast/Tea and lunch only for two days)
ROAD STATUS: As of 29 Oct 2011, The entire Route has very good roads except for a stretch of 25-30 kms in the ghats. You can assume a average min speed of 60+ km throughout the journey except for the ghats section (approx 50kms). Also, Mangalore to udupi road is under construction
Day1/325 kms: Bangalore (Murugesh Palya) - Nelmangala - Kunigal - Yediyur - CR Patna - Hassan - Sakleshpur - Nelyady - Uppinangadi - Puttur
Day2/127 kms: Puttur - Mani - Kalladka - BCRoad - Farangipete - Padil - Nanthur(Mangalore) - Kottara Chowki - Surathkal - Udupi
Day5/430 kms: Udupi - Kottara Chowki- Nanthur(Mangalore) - Padil - BCRoad - Uppinangadi - Sakleshpur - Hassan - Nelmangala - Bangalore

It was a long awaited wish, to drive long distance all alone on bike. Initial plans were huge. A SOLO RIDE. Either, a inter-state ride or a All Karnataka Road trip. But with all the drama in the family and elders saying yes/no/yes, i was allowed only Bangalore-Udupi-Bangalore trip. Its a herculean task convincing elders to agree, especially if you are married. I had to start somewhere and hence grabbed this opportunity. I had quit my current organisation and had some time off now. And it was dear Soujanya's aka Souji's wedding at Puttur. I told my other friends that i was riding solo to the wedding venue on the bike and many asked if i was foolish to do so. They had their own views and i had mine. Only bikers know about the absolute bliss and pleasure in riding.

A week before, i enquired many on the route, the condition of roads. Although, i could have gone via Belur-Charmadi or Srirangpatna-Madikeri route, i chose the Sakleshpur-Hassan road which i was told is better. Got my bike serviced and ready two days prior to the ride. Purchased the riding gears (cramster colt saddle bag, pair of riding gloves etc). Worked out more for the shoulder and back to ensure i was fit. And before i knew it, it was the D-day.


4:45 am, the Alarm rang. Freshened up and By 5:30 am, i had hit the  road. Filled in 6 litres of petrol at the 24/7 BP petrol bunk opp Manipal hospital on old airport road. I wanted to fill the rest in Hassan, as i will have to ride the ghat thereafter. The plan was to reach Puttur by 2 pm, enter the hotel and sleep and attend the dinner party Soujanya had thrown in the evening. I Rode via MG Road - Chalukya hotel - Cauvery theatre - Sankey Tank - Yeshwantpur. It was aound 6:15 am when i reached Nelmangala Junction where i took a left towards Hassan. 

Toll Collection hasn't started yet

Approximately 2 kms from the junction, i could see the toll booth. The Toll collection had not started. The next 110 kms was absolute bliss to drive. Four lane road, early morning emptiness, rising sun and a very nice weather. What more could i have asked for. 

Tea Stall At Yadiyur, on the Service Road

Once i reached Yadiyur, i decided to take a small tea break. Got into a chat with the shopkeeper who gave me a riding tip that i least expected, but a very useful one. "Eee Marulu Lorrigalu hogi hogi roadina sidenalli marulu bidderutthe. Speednalli iruvaga marulu kanisoalla. Gadi turn maduvaga jagrathe madi saar." (Due to the movement of sand lorries on the road, sand is spilled at the road edges. At high speeds you wont notice the fallen sand. So, be careful, especially on turnings so as not to lose control). I thanked him and bid a good bye. Unlike Mysore road, there were no cattle and less people crossing the road. Uptill Adichunchungiri, i just zoomed off in 80s without any issues. 

HP Petrol bunk at Hassan bypass junction

It was 9 am when i reached hassan bypass junction. Had a list of people to call and inform about my current status. There is a HP Petrol bunk at the junction where i filled up my petrol tank. I knew, it was ghat section next and untill i reach puttur, petrol bunks will be hard to find. Also, gulped down a plate of lemon rice at the small shop near junction. I knew i had completed half my total distance and could drive leisurely there on. I then started towards Sakleshpur. Road was moderately good with minor crack/potholes here and there and i could drive in 65s-70s without any issues. 

That Mountain really stood tall !!

I like this picture

Inhabitated areas in the ghats !!

I knew i was entering the ghats next. I just prayed that my vehicle doesn't break down and i do not run in to a flat tyre. There is that risk when you drive alone anywhere, but a flat tyre in the ghats would really upset anyone big time. Whats life without risk i thought !! Anywayz, from what i had enquired, many had warned me that the ghat section had depleted roads. I had that in my mind and was prepared. The ghat ran for approximately 45-50 kms. As i entered the forest, the first 15 kms was really nice to drive (till Donigal). The next 20-22 kms was gruesome and took me around an hour to cover. 

Pathetic Roads as on 29 Oct 2011

Depleted Road and Lots of dust around

Pathetic roads indeed and lots of dust. Shiradi ghat seemed busted. Cars and trucks seemed to move in 1st or second gear only and never moved horizontally to the road :o). Everyone envied me as i overtook them easily. The condition of roads is horrible and in some parts the there are no roads. As i noticed, there are two puncture/flat tyre/vehicle breakdown shops in the ghat section. One opposite to the Choudeshwari temple you will find on the way. Also, i did see a tow vehicle patrolling the ghat. Not sure if it was a regular patrol vehicle there. But thats good news for all travellers. The road was supposedly entirely concretised during the 6 months period it was closed. Our government and the quality of work done.. these roads dont even last for more than a month.. phew !! Thoughts ran in my mind as i drove. I had read a day earlier in the paper that the DK (Dakshina Kannada) Cab association had called for a ban on travelling on this road untill the road is repaired. Now i knew why !! I took few stops in the ghats to capture some nice sceneries.

River takes a bend

i hope i could take a swim !!

As the Ghat nears its ending, you see a river running parallely to the road, which merges in to Nethravati. Not sure what it is called. But there are places where you can get down and go to the river. 

Eye catching: St Stephens Knanaya Catholic Church

Rubber Plantations: Plastic wrap directs the collected latex in to a mug

I could see the deviation roads to Dharmasthala and also to Kukke Subhramanya as i drove further. As i reached Nelyadi, rubber trees on the roads caught my attention. And the multiple churches amongst which St Stephens Knanaya Catholic Church caught my attention. We hardly notice these when we travel overnight in this route. Again made a call to my near and dear ones to inform i had crossed the ghat safely. Finally, i reached Uppinangadi. I had already driven 308 kms by then. I knew, i had to take a deviation of 12 kms to Puttur, a bit ahead from here. Sun was already above my head and it was getting humid too. Enquired with the locals and reached Rama Hotel in Puttur by 12:45 pm, an hour prior to what i had planned. 323 kms and i had reached my destination for the day. Checked into the hotel and drove around the city to hunt down a local hotel serving food of my liking and ate like a glutton. Came back to hotel and slept around 3.

I met Gowri and Hema who were in the town in the evening. We all attended the Souji's dinner party that evening accompanied by Good food, bonfire, dance etc in a close by resort. As i slept that night, it was a sigh of relief. My first drive was much better than i expected


Next day was Souji's marraige. Couple of other friends joined us in Puttur for the same. Everyone was exicted and shared their comments on me driving all the way alone on bike. Finished lunch and by 1:00 pm everyone dispersed. My plan was to reach my home in udupi which was approx 110 kms from there before dusk. But Ranjitha/Shinna invited me to their house in bantwal. I did that gladly and drove to bantwal (approx 30 kms from puttur) and we chatted a lot. Remembered the times when we first visited Ranjitha's house in 2003 during our class picnic. Slowly, It was time to leave. BC Road is a major junction enroute Mangalore that i had to reach first. Ranjitha's Dad told me to take a deviation at Padil and reach Kottara chowki via nanthur to directly reach Surathkal. This way, i avoided entering Mangalore city. I knew Mangalore city well and it was not hard understanding the instructions. Thanks to him. So, BC Road-Thumbe-Faringepete-Padil-Nanthur(Mangalore)-Kottara Chowki(mangalore)-Surathkal-Udupi is the road i took. Nanthur to kottara chowki is kind of ring road of Mangalore. Four laning of the road is going on and the road is under construction till Udupi for most of its length. I had no complaints about the road. Just needed to be careful about the sudden deviations boards that you come acrosss. And the private express buses that ply in this route. Unlike any other part of the state i have seen, the way the private buses drive here is crazy. The drivers think their bus is indeed a car and they are in some kind of wrc car rally. Localites and those who have travelled will understand what i am trying to say. I always dreamt of riding on this road on bike and finally i was doing it. The road near entrance to udupi city (the swagatha gopura/udupi dwara) is under construction and hence i entered the city via Ambalpady. By 5:30 pm i had reached Udupi. Called wifey and all the relatives to inform i had reached safely. Had a nice bath and freshened up. Gave the trip account to dad in the evening. Had dinner at home and slept in peace.

Day 3/4: AT HOME

Spent the day with family. Had a dinner with Shinna (Srinivas Prabhu) at Attil, a multicusine restaurant on Udupi-Manipal highway.


It was part two of my solo ride. The day before, i had petrol filled to the brim. This was the longest i had to drive in this trip in a day. I wanted to reach Bangalore before the evening city traffic starts. I was glad as i knew how the roads were and could easily plan the speeds/time at which i need to drive along the route. I planned to start a bit late as i did not want to drive in the ghats early in the morning. There is less visibility and bad roads as well. I started at 6:15 am from Udupi. Followed the same route back to Bangalore. Around Nelyadi, there was a small tea shop that i stopped at. The shopkeeper served my favourite hot mangalorean buns which was my breakfast for the day along with a nice cup of hot tea. Mist/fog was just clearing as i entered the ghat section.

Beautiful view of the Shiradi Ghat in the morning

Mountain Cliff

Choudeshwari temple. Opposite to this, there is a Puncture/flat tyre shop
Drive in the ghats was pleasant. Dad had specifically asked me to offer prayers and kanike to the choudeshwari temple in the ghats, which i did. I was re-collecting the stops i took amongst the ghats as i drove. I could also see some railway tracks in the mountains. Once i crossed the ghats, it was plain roads anymore. 

Better Roads in the ghats

View of the hill range

As i crossed the bridge at Sakleshpur, i could see a big  shiva idol by the lake side. I reached Sakleshpur around 10:30 am and took a tea break. Met a group of bike riders who were heading to Goa. Exchanged thoughts with them about the road conditions and route. Called up everyone on my list and informed that i had crossed the ghats.

memorable drive

Four Lane Road

Reached Bellur Cross by 2:15 pm. I had already driven 300+ kms for the day. Stopped at a hotel and had Chitranna, accompanied by Vadas. It was hot that afternoon. After lunch, i took the toll road and reached Nelmangala by 4:15 pm. I reached my home in Bangalore by 5:30 pm. 430 kms is what i drove for the day. Called up everyone and told them i had reached safely. My in-laws were at home and awaiting me for tea. Wifey reached home from office in the evening and i shared the tour diary with everyone at home. Friends supported my idea to blog the experience and after a month, i am doing it. Better late than never and here it is, my FIRST BLOG. Although this was not really a very long ride, but this is my first humble attempt towards sharing my experience and details about the same. You never know whom you inspire, as it happened with me and who requires these details

I had completed my ride without any issues.  As i slept that day, i was happy that i did something that i always wanted to do, something i love to do !! And hoping that i get on the road for my next trip sometime soon..


  1. Good information !!

  2. Nice Experience Vinay. I was happy to read my name here and there:) Pics are really cool...

  3. Cool vinay... Pics have come out very good and the detailed explaination is just awesome... Its tempting me now .. LOL....

  4. yelllo sir :) awesome pics... n am gonna take this ride next time.. thenk u for haring.. its really nice :)

  5. Thanks Ranju, Ashwin and Ramya

  6. Nice writeup, Vinay. It sure would have been an exhilarating trip for you. The roads look beautiful.

  7. Vinay, Very neat blog. As a reader i went through entire journey with your words :) Beautiful pics.
    Wish you good luck for next venture.Keep Blogging :)

  8. Very Nice blog, I would be taking the same route to reach my home town Mangalore this month, your advice and tips mean a lot for riders..

  9. Very good piece of information.. You must have loved your road trip, aint u?? at least i did looking at the snaps:)
    Thanks again.. Am planning to travel on 12th April '14.. Tips are welcome:) Please do share - +919886699265

  10. @Hemasundar, yesterday few of my friends drove Mangalore to Bangalore.. the roads are excellent they said. Even in the ghats (due to elections, i believe). So, i would say enjoy your ride while the roads last (untill the rains) :) And all the best for the trip. Have a safe journey :)

  11. Simply awesome. Very well put together. I'm going to visit Udupi next weekend. Your blog helped me to plan this ride.

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